Blown-up corona of relatively hyperbolic groups,
Boundary of free products of metric spaces,
(with T.Matsuka)
Free products of coarsely convex spaces and the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture,
(with T.Matsuka) arXiv:2303.13701, to appear in Kyoto J.Math.
A topological decomposition of Busemann space
J. Math. Soc. Japan 76(1): 269-281 (January, 2024). DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/89738973
Visual maps between coarsely convex spaces
(with Y.Ezawa) Kobe J. Math. 40 no. 7 - 45 (2023)
compactifications and controlled products (with
S.Oguni and T.Yamauchi),
Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 14, No. 04, pp. 875-900 (2022)
A coarse
Cartan-Hadamard theorem with application to the coarse Baum-Connes
conjecture (with S.Oguni),
Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 12, No. 03, pp. 857-895 (2020),
Coronae of relatively hyperbolic groups and coarse
(with S.Oguni), Journal of Topology and Analysis,1 September 2015, DOI: 10.1142/S1793525316500151
Coronae of product spaces and the Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture
(with S.Oguni), Advances in Mathematics, volume 279, 16 July 2015, Pages 201–233
The coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for Busemann non-positively curved spaces (with S.Oguni),
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, vol. 56, issue 1 (2016)
Growth of Critical Points in One-Dimensional Lattice Systems
(with M.ASAOKA, K.MITSUI, M.TSUKAMOTO), Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, vol. 127, issue 1 (2015)
Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for relatively hyperbolic groups
(with S.Oguni),
Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2012), 99-113.
Sublinear Higson corona of Euclidean cone,
Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 36, Number 1 (2012), 67-77.
Remark on dynamical Morse inequality
(with M.Asaoka and M.Tsukamoto),
Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. Vol. 87, No. 9 (2011), 178-182.
Coarse dynamics and fixed point property,
Nagoya Mathematical Journal. Vol. 202 (2011), 1-13
DOI 10.1215/00277630-1260414
Asymptotic distribution of critical values,
(with M.Tsukamoto),
Geometriae Dedicata Vol. 143, No. 1(2009)
Application of Gr\"{o}bner Bases to the Cup-Length of Oriented Grassmann Manifolds,
Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol. 10 (2008), No. 2,
粗幾何学入門, サイエンス社 SGCライブラリ 152
- Coarse Geometry of Spaces of Nonpositive Curvature and Their Boundaries
第 20 回代数・解析・幾何学セミナー 2025年2月14日
- Coarse geometry of nonpositively curved spaces and the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture
Geometry and Topology 2024, 九州大学 2024年10月18日
- Visual maps between coarsely convex spaces
福岡大学微分幾何研究集会, 福岡大学 2023年11月3日
- Busemann空間の位相的分解
1. 日本数学会秋季総合分科会・幾何学分科会, 北海道大学 2022年9月15日
2. 大阪大学幾何学セミナー, 大阪大学 2022年10月24日
- Visual maps between coarsely convex spaces
Geometric Group Theory in East Asia (online seminar) , May 28 2021
集合論的および幾何学的トポロジーと関連分野への応用, June 6
- 粗凸空間に作用する群の例
1. 日本数学会秋季総合分科会・幾何学分科会, 金沢大学 2019年9月19日
2. リーマン幾何学,粗幾何学,特異点, 横浜国立大学 2019年11月8日
- 粗幾何学入門1,2
阿蘇幾何学研究集会 2019年9月1日, 2日
- Coarsely convex spaces
1. Rigidity School ― The Final Meeting 名古屋大学 2018年9月17日
2. AMS
Spring Central and Western Joint Sectional Meeting,Special Session
on Coarse Geometry, Index Theory, and Operator Algebras: Around the
Mathematics of John Roe March 24, 2019
- 粗凸空間と粗 Cartan−Hadamard の定理
- 粗幾何学における非正曲率空間の新しい定式化とその境界
日本数学会年会・幾何学分科会 東京大学 2018年3月18日
- A coarse Cartan-Hadamard theorem with
application to the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture
Workshop: Non-Positively Curved Groups and Spaces
Universität Regensburg, September 19, 2017
Noncommutative Geometry and K-Theory at Rits
-The Fourth China-Japan Conference-
Ritsumeikan University, March 28, 2018
- 粗Cartan-Hadamard定理と粗Baum-Connes予想への応用
1. 幾何学セミナー,首都大学東京,2017年7月21日
2. 微分トポロジーセミナー,京都大学,2017年11月7日
- The coarse Baum-conjecture for product of nonpositive curved spaces and groups
1. 首都大学東京 幾何学セミナー,2016年4月15日
2. Workshop on Development of new methods in Symplectic Geometry:
JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Project between Belgium and Japan,
3. 慶應義塾大学 幾何学セミナー,2016年5月9日
4. Glances@Manifolds II, Jagiellonian University in Kraków,August 8-13,
2016, Kraków, Poland
5. the second China-Japan geometry conference, September 10, 2016,
Fujian Normal University, 中国福建省福州市
- 非正曲率を持つ群の直積に対する粗Baum-Connes予想
- Small cancellation 理論について
Osajda's monster 勉強会,ルネッサ赤沢(伊東市),2016年1月4日
- Boundary of relatively hyperbolic groups and coarse geoemtry
- 相対双曲群の境界と粗幾何学
- 幾何学的群論の紹介
数学の魅力, 東北大学, 2014年12月14日
- Coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for product spaces
確率論と幾何学, 東京工業大学, 2014年9月24日
- 直積空間の境界とCoarse Baum-Connes 予想
第61回幾何学シンポジウム, 名城大学, 2014年8月24日
- 境界とCoarse Baum-Connes予想
幾何学セミナー, 東北大学, 2014年6月17日
- Blow up of the boundary of relatively hyperbolic group
Rigidity school, 東京大学, 2013年1月8日.
- "Coarse Baum-Connes conjecuture for relatively hyperbolic groups"
1. General and Geometric Topology and its Applications, Kyoto university, Oct 18 2011.
2. 4th Doctorial Forum of Mathematics between Fudan and Kyoto Universities,
Fudan university, Nov 1 2011.
3. The 4th GCOE International Symposium on ``Weaving Science Web beyond Particle-Matter Hierarchy''
Tohoku universities, Sendai, February 21 2012.
4. Group actions and K-theory, Kyoto university, Kyoto, March 12 2012.
5. 日本数学会年会, 東京理科大学, 2012年3月26日
6. 幾何学シンポジウム,九州大学,2012年8月27日
7. 幾何学セミナー,東北大学,2012年10月9日
8. 幾何学セミナー,名古屋大学,2012年11月13日
9. Séminaire d'Algèbr d'Opérateur, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paris 7, 18 Avril
10. Darboux seminar, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Montpellier 2, 18 Octobre, 2013
11. Séminaire Caen Cergy Clermont Paris, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paris 7, 13 Decembre , 2013
- "相対双曲群のMayer-Vietoris完全列とNovikov予想",
幾何学セミナー 九州大学, 2011年7月8日
- "Fixed point theorem on the Higson corona",
Geometry and Analysis, Kyoto Universities, March 9 2011.
- "Coarse geometry and topology of Higson corona",
1. 一般位相幾何学及び幾何学的トポロジーの最近の話題とその応用, 数理解析
研究所, 2010年10月13日
2. 河野明先生還暦記念研究集会,城崎,2010年12月4日
3. 愛媛大学談話会,愛媛大学,2010年12月8日
- "Dynamical Morse inequality",
MSJ Autumn Meetings, held at Nagoya university, Septmeber 23,2010.
- "Euclidean cones of Sublinear Higson coronae",
1. Differential topology seminar, held at Kyoto university, April 27,2010.
2. Geometry and Probability, held at Tohoku university, August 27, 2010.
- "Toward the Homotopy theory on the Higson corona",
新たな幾何学探索勉強会in松島, 松島, 2010年3月18日
- "Coarse Geometry, Higson compactification and
fixed point property",
1. Differential topology seminar, held at Kyoto university, January 13
2. International Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Physics, 2009,
held at Keio University, February 18-21, 2009
3. Student colloquium, at Osaka City university, February 12, 2009
4. Geometry Symposium, at Saga university, August 28
5. Discrete Geometry related to Groups and Dynamics, at Ehime
university, August September 2-3, 2009
6. Séminaires de Analyse et Géométrie, Institut de Mathématiques de
Jussieu, October 15
7.First friendship meeting in
mathematics betwwheen Fudan and Kyoto University, held at Kyoto,
11-15 Jan. 2010.
- "Introduction to Coarse Geometry",
at Coarse Geometry school,
held at Yokohama city, December 10-12 2008.
M.Tsukamoto and I gave a three days lectures on the Coarse geometry.
Coarse geometry is the study of global structure of non-compact spaces
by looking the spaces coarsely. From this view point, we see that R(real
numbers) and Z(integers) are "same" spaces. Surprisingly, "coarse
structure" can be defined on a space even if which is NOT a metric
space. It is an analogy to the fact that "local structure",that is,
"topology", can be defined on a space even if which is not a metric
The topological space equipped with a coarse structure which is compatible
with its topology is called proper coarse space. The most typical proper
coarse spaces is proper metric spaces.
There is a compactification of a proper coarse space called Higson
compactification. It's boundary, called Higson corona, seems to have
rich data of the infinity of the space. Unfortunately, Higson corona of
a proper metric space can never be metrizable. A group action on a
coarse space induces a group action on a Higson corona. The fixed point
theorem on a action of an abelian group on a Higson corona is given by myself.
Coarse cohomology is defined for a coarse space in the similar way to the
Alexander-Spanier cohomology for a topological space. It seems that
coarse cohomology play an important role in the index theorem for non
compact Riemannian manifold.
- "Asymptotic distribution of critical values",
joint work with M.Tsukamoto,
1. 3rd Lusternik-Schnirelmann category symposium,
held at Karatsu Saga prefecture,October 29 2008.
2. Differential topology seminar,held at Kyoto university,May 26
3. Geometry and Analysis, Grands Moulins, Paris, December 23 2009.
- "Computer Algebra and Algebraic Topology",
at First Global COE Seminar on Mathematical Research Using Computers,
held at Kyoto university,
October 24 2008.
Quick Time Movie,
- "Application of non-commutative Groebner Bases to calculations of E_2 terms of the Adams spectral sequence",
1.The 4th COE Conference for Young Researchers,
held at Hokkaido university, February 12 2008.
2. Kyoto seminar on algebraic topology in honor of Moo Ha Woo,
held at Kyoto university, March 14-15 2008;
3. Homotopy seminar,held at Kyushu university,March 26-27 2008;
- "Application of Groebner basis to computing some homotopy invariants",
at Johns Hopkins University Topology Seminar, held at Johns Hopkins
University, November 14 2007.
- "Immersion problem of oriented Grassmann manifolds",
at Takamatsu seminar on homotopy theory, held at Takamatsu National College of Technology, March 2007.
- "Groebner basis and cohomology of oriented Grassmann manifolds with application of LS-category",
at The 3rd COE Conference for Young Researchers,
held at Hokkaido university,
February 2007.
- "Computing the cup-length of oriented Grassmann manifolds using Groebner basis",
at 2nd Lusternik-Schnirelmann category symposium,
held at Karatsu Saga prefecture,
October 2006.
Expository Articles
(in Japanese)
[1] Tomohiro Fukaya, Application of Groebner basis for algebraic topology, 2007